Anagrammy Rules - Nominations

Anagrammy Awards > Anagrammy Rules > Nomination Rules

Table of Contents

· Preamble

· Categories

· Nominations

· Voting

· Results

· Grand Anagrammy


  1. To be eligible for nomination, the anagram must appear in The Anagrammy Awards Forum.

  2. Nominations will go in the competition for the month that they were nominated, not the month that they were posted to the Forum. Usually, this will be the same month. Occasionally, anagrams posted at the end of the month may not be nominated until early the next month.

  3. It must be an original anagram discovered by the nominee and not be commonly found in anagram books or on anagram websites. The Awardsmaster will be the final arbiter of the eligibility of a nomination.

  4. If the anagram has been previously posted to the Anagrammy Forum by the author, or has been previously discovered by another author and is in any of the following::

    1. All Anagrammy Archives, including the Forum Archives,
    2. The Anagrammasia Database,
    3. The Anagram Hall of Fame,
    4. The Anagram Genius Archives,
    5. The Google Groups Archives of alt.anagrams postings,

    then it will not be accepted for nomination. However, anagrams that the author has previously submitted to the Anagram Genius Archives or posted to alt.anagrams, but have never been submitted to the Anagrammy Forum or nominated for the awards, will be accepted. Please use the Search Engine Page to search all these archives.

    Rediscoveries of anagrams, later found only on websites other than the above mentioned archives, will be eligible for nomination.

  5. Nominations must be a true anagram: all letters of the subject must be used exactly once.

    Anagrams are automatically rechecked for accuracy when they are nominated and then stored on the Current Nominations Page. Anagrams containing errors cannot be stored on that page.

    Postings may be checked for accuracy with our Anagram Checker before posting.

  6. Authors do not have to be regulars in the Forum to be nominated. First ever postings have been nominated and have won awards not infrequently

  7. It is acceptable to post in the Forum under more or more aliases, however when it come to the competition, all aliases will be combined under the member's usual name, so that the one nom per person per category rule is maintained and the DFE points are maximised. Any variations about that need to be discussed with the Awardsmaster and a valid reason to vary the name be given.


  1. A guideline for deciding to make a nomination is that the anagram be in the better half of those posted.

  2. It is acknowledged that the quality of anagrams is to some extent in the eye of the beholder. What one person considers an easily nominated anagram may seem second-rate to someone else.

  3. Some guidelines to what is considered a good anagram are discussed in Hallmarks of a Good Anagram in more detail.


  1. Anyone can nominate an anagram.

  2. A nomination is made by posting a reply in the thread using the Nomination button, category selection menu and optional comment field.

  3. Nominations are automatically added to an up-to-date list of nominations, which can be found at the Current Nominations Page.

Self Nomination

  1. Authors may nominate their own anagrams where they feel a good anagram has been overlooked by the group. Self-nominated anagrams have occasionally won awards.

  2. Self-nominations should be carefully considered for their chance of winning.

Category Selection

  1. Nominations may be moved from one category to a more appropriate category, or, where a choice of categories is available, to allow authors as many nominations as possible in the voting.

    During the month (while the nominations are open), make a request on the Forum for a category change and one of the moderators will do this for you. After nominations are closed, please contact Larry Brash to move an anagram to another category.

  2. The Anagrammy Administration Team have the ultimate say in which category any nomination will go, but will usually follow the suggestion of the nominator. They may consult with the nominee to move an anagram to another category. However, they have the power to move a nomination to another category if they see fit.

  3. Authors may not make last-minute modifications to their nominated anagrams for the specific purpose of moving them into another category. Small changes in order to improve the flow or to correct errors are permissible, however, especially in the case of long anagrams.

  4. The following rules will apply:

    1. Anagrams over 1000 letters can only be nominated to the Special Category.

    2. Nominations of over 44 letters will be placed in one of the three long categories (Medium Length, Long or Special), so as not to disadvantage short anagrams in the remaining six categories.

    3. Short anagrams which derive their humour from rude words, adult themes or crude language must be placed in the Rude Category and will not allowed in the other short categories.

Selection of nominations for Voting

  1. On the final ballot, there is a limit of one anagram per person per category. At the end of the month, an announcement will be made in the Forum asking authors to select one anagram from categories in which they have more than one nomination.

    You can find a list of nominations, sorted by author's name, here.

    Email the Awardsmaster (Larry) with your nominations that you wish to be in the voting:
    1. Please select only from categories with more than one nomination. You may have up to 3 nominations in the Special Category.
    2. There is no need to indicate a selection in a category where you have only one nomination.
    3. Please do not copy and paste the full text long category selections. Just use the first words to indicate which one it is.
    4. If you wish to move an angram to another suitable category, please indicate that at the beginning of the email.

  2. If authors do not make a selection with 24 hours of the announcement, the Anagrammy Awardsmaster will do this for them.

  3. In the Special Category, up to three nominations are allowed per person.

  4. Entries in each category will be listed in chronological order of being nominated and will be displayed without the authors' names. Anagrams that have been moved to another category will be placed at the bottom of the list in the new category.

Updated: May 10, 2016


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