Anagrammy Rules - Categories

Anagrammy Awards > Anagrammy Rules > Categories

Table of Contents

· Preamble

· Categories

· Nominations

· Voting

· Results

· Grand Anagrammy

The short categories (maximum of 44 letters):

  1. General Category includes the anagrams that fail to fit into any other category described below. The first three placegetters will receive Anagrammy Awards, as this category receives the most nominations, and generally contains higher quality anagrams of the more valued cognate variety.

  2. Entertainment Category includes anagrams to do with any form of entertainment, including Music, Art, Sport, Theatre, Movies, Literature or the like.

  3. Topical Category includes current affairs anagrams.

  4. Rude Category includes anagrams that derive their humour from rude words and crude language.

  5. People's Names Category includes anagrams of well-known people's names or titles.

  6. Other Names Category includes anagrams of all other names: places, companies, organizations, products and so on.

The long categories:

  1. Medium Length Category includes the anagrams of 41 to 100 letters.

  2. Long Category includes lengthy anagrams of 101 letters and 1000 letters.

  3. Special Category includes unusually complex, creative or exceptional anagrams, such as a poem anagrammed into another poem, and anagrams of over 1000 letters.

    In the Special Category, a variable number of placegetters will receive an Anagrammy Award, depending on the number of entries, using this formula:
    • 1 to 3 entries: 1 award
    • 4 entries: 2 awards
    • 5 or more entries: 3 awards.

Other categories:

  1. Anagrammy Challenge (Previously called the Awardsmaster's Challenge) is a category where a regular member will present a challenge to anagram a set piece or text.

    The following rules will apply:
    1. There will be a different person rostered each month to select the text for the Challenge.
    2. All challenges should be cleared with the Awardmaster first before they are announced.
    3. The Challenge subject text is fixed, i.e. everyone must anagram exactly the same text.
    4. Each month's rostered challenger may present their anagram first to "throw down the gauntlet".
    5. If the rostered member is unavailable, then he or she may swap with another member.

  2. Awardsmaster's Choice Award is given each month for an exceptional anagram whose author failed to win an award. It is chosen by Larry Brash.

Updated: May 10, 2016


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