Anagram Links and Resources - Online Generators

Anagrammy Awards > Links and Resources > Online Generators

Table of Contents

· Introduction

· Downloadable anagram software

· Anagram Artist website

· Online anagram generators

· Anagram books

· Anagram websites

· Word Lists

Online anagram generators

  1. The Internet Anagram Server ("I, Rearrangement Servant")
    on by Anu Garg also has some good links and a Hall of Fame.
    Recommended now offers web users the ability to display daily animated anagrams on their own web pages. Please see:
    The Anagram Times and

    Also available:
    Create animated gifs for your anagrams

  2. Anagram Finder
    This is an unusual anagram generator.Enter some words or phrases (one per line) to search for "subset anagrams". For example, if a list of countries is entered, this program will find that: "Algeria + Sudan = Israel + Uganda". Wordlists available on the website include the chemical elements, countries of the world, US states, and some classical composers.

  3. Martin Mamo's Anagram Generator.
    This is a java-based anagram generator.

  4. The Anagram Engine.
    This is highly popular website has one of the more highly configurable on-line generators available.

  5. Arrak's Anagrams (formerly UMEC's Anagram Server)
    This is an amazing multi-lingual anagram generator. It has 8 languages available, from Dutch to Swedish, and even includes Latin.

Other online anagramming tools

  1. Larry Brash's Anagram Checker
    is available here on this website. This perl script not only checks the anagram (including numerals, if you wish), and reports any errors, it also allows you to post the result to the Anagrammy Forum.

  2. Richard Grantham's Anagram Checker
    is also available on this website. This is a new Java-based anagram checker, that will check the accuracy of the anagram and inform you of any differences.

  3. William Tunstall-Pedoe's Anagram Checker
    is an online checker that compares the subject text and the anagram and reports any differences.

  4. Toby Gottfried's Anagram Helper.
    This Java applet presents a set of 'virtual letter tiles' to aid in manual anagramming. Easy to use - no checking needed afterward since you only have the right letters to begin with.

  5. One-Across
    is a website that is largely devoted to crosswords, but it also has a good anagram generator.

  6. Anagram Logic Word Game
    takes an interesting and different approach to anagramming. It presents a list of candidate words, which you can select out to build an anagram, in much the same way that Anagram Artist does.


See also the Open Directory's listing of online anagram generators.

Updated: May 10, 2016


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