Anagram Websites
Here are some of the best anagram webpages on the Internet.
We have mainly included pages written by current and past regulars
to alt.anagrams or the Anagrammy Forum.
- Richard
Brodie's Anagrams
Richard Brodie has a collection of
amazing long anagrams on his website. Richard is the co-author
of the Anagrammed Bible and has turned the phrase "The God
of Israel" into 2100 anagrams fitting each chapter of the
Bible. Richard was the inaugural winner of the Anagrammy Award
and Anagrammatist of the Year in 1998..
- Fun-with-words.com by Daniel Austin.
This is a website dedicated to amusing quirks,
peculiarities, and oddities of the English language. The fun-with-words.com website is divided into sections covering many wordplay topics, such as anagrams, pangrams, palindromes, oxymora, spoonerisms,
Cockney slang, and much more. In each section you will find everything
you need to know, including an explanation, examples, and history.
- Thinks.Com (Fun and games for playful brains) by Michael Curl.
While it
is not exclusively about anagrams, it has a good section on them.
Michael is the author of the Anagram Dictionary.
- Anagram Genius Archive by William Tunstall-Pedoe
This website archives selected
anagrams, mainly created using Anagram Genius. You can submit
your own anagrams there.
- Business
Anagram of the Day (Aha! trade name fussing boys)
Publishes a new anagram related to the world of business every day.