Long Anagram by Dharam Khalsa
This is an adaptation of Phronistery's snazzy list of Philosophical Isms that avoids any that are proper names (i.e. Marxism), or are not strictly specific belief systems (i.e. alcoholism)Absolutism: system of government control by a single Absolute ruler; autocracy.
Absurdism: doctrine that we live in an irrational, puzzling universe.
Academicism: doctrine that supposes nothing can be known.
Accidentalism: theory that proposes events do not have probable causes.
Acosmism: disbelief in existence of an eternal universe distinct from God.
Adamitism: nakedness for religious reasons.
Adevism: denial of the gods of mythology and legends.
Adiaphorism: doctrine of theological indifference or latitudinarianism.
Adoptionism: belief that Christ was adopted and was not the natural son of God.
Aestheticism: doctrine that beauty is central to other moral principles.
Agapism: ethics of love.
Agathism: belief in ultimate triumph of good, even despite evil means.
Agnosticism: doctrine that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena.
Anarchism: doctrine which stresses that government is useless and should just be abolished.
Animism: the attribution of soul to inanimate objects.
Annihilationism: doctrine that the wicked are utterly and totally destroyed after death.
Anthropomorphism: attribution of human qualities to non-human things.
Anthropotheism: belief that gods are only deified men.
Antidisestablishmentarianism: doctrine system opposed to removing the Church of England's official religion status.
Antilapsarianism: denial of doctrine of the fall of humanity.
Antinomianism: doctrine of rejection of moral laws.
Antipedobaptism: denial of validity of infant baptisms.
Apocalypticism: doctrine of the imminent end of the world.
Asceticism: doctrine that a style of self-denial of the body permits spiritual enlightenment.
Aspheterism: denial of the rights to own private property.
Atheism: belief that there is no God.
Atomism: belief that the universe consists of small indivisible particles.
Autosoterism: belief that one can obtain salvation through oneself.
Autotheism: belief that one is God incarnate or that one is Christ.
Bitheism: belief in two gods.
Bonism: doctrine emphasizing that the world is just good, not perfect.
Bullionism: belief in the importance of metal currency in economics.
Capitalism: doctrine that private ownership and free markets should govern economy.
Casualism: the belief that chance events govern all things.
Catabaptism: belief in wrongness of infant baptisms.
Catastrophism: belief in severe rapid geological and biological changes.
Collectivism: doctrine of communal control of means of production.
Collegialism: theory that church is separate from state.
Conceptualism: theory that universal truths exist as mental concepts.
Conservatism: belief in maintaining political and social traditions.
Constructivism: belief that knowledge and reality do not have an objective value.
Cosmism: belief the cosmos is a self-existing whole.
Cosmotheism: the belief that identifies God with the cosmos.
Deism: belief in God, but rejection of religions.
Determinism: doctrine that events are predetermined by preceding important events or laws.
Diphysitism: belief in the dual nature of Christ.
Ditheism: belief in two equal gods, one good and one evil.
Ditheletism: doctrine that Christ had two wills.
Dualism: doctrine the universe is controlled by two pertinent forces, good and evil.
Egalitarianism: belief that all people ought to be equal in rights and privileges.
Egoism: doctrine that pursuit of self-interest is the highest good.
Egotheism: identification of oneself with God.
Eidolism: belief in ghosts.
Emotivism: theory that moral statements are inherently biased.
Empiricism: doctrine that the experience of the senses is the only source of knowledge.
Entryism: doctrine of joining a group to change its policies.
Epiphenomenalism: doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain activity.
Eternalism: the belief that matter has existed eternally.
Eudaemonism: ethical belief that happiness equals morality.
Euhemerism: explanation of mythology as growing out of past history.
Existentialism: doctrine of individual human responsibility in an unfathomable universe.
Experientialism: doctrine that knowledge comes from experience.
Fallibilism: the doctrine that empirical knowledge is uncertain.
Fatalism: doctrine that events are fixed and humans are totally powerless.
Fideism: doctrine that knowledge depends on faith over reason.
Finalism: belief that an end has or can eventually be reached.
Fortuitism: belief in evolution by chance variations.
Functionalism: system of utility and function.
Geocentrism: belief that Earth is center of the universe.
Gnosticism: belief that freedom derives solely from knowledge.
Gradualism: belief that things proceed by degrees.
Gymnobiblism: belief that the Bible's essence can be presented to unlearned people without commentary.
Hedonism: belief that pleasure is the highest good.
Henism: doctrine that there is only one kind of existence.
Henotheism: belief in one tribal god, but not as the only god.
Historicism: belief that all phenomena are historically determined.
Holism: doctrine that parts of any thing must be understood in relation to the whole.
Holobaptism: belief in baptism with total immersion in water.
Humanism: belief that human interests and mind are paramount.
Humanitarianism: doctrine the highest moral obligation is to improve universal human welfare.
Hylicism: materialism.
Hylomorphism: belief that matter is cause of the universe.
Hylopathism: belief in ability of matter to affect the spiritual world.
Hylotheism: belief that the universe is purely material.
Hylozoism: doctrine that all matter is endowed with life.
Idealism: belief that our experiences of the world consist of ideas.
Identism: doctrine that objective and subjective, or matter and mind, are identical.
Ignorantism: doctrine emphasizing ignorance as a favorable thing.
Illuminism: belief in a personal inward spiritual light.
Illusionism: belief that the external world is philosophy.
Imagism: doctrine of use of precise images with unrestricted subjects.
Immanentism: belief in an immanent or permanent god.
Immaterialism: the doctrine that there is no material substance.
Immoralism: rejection of morality.
Indifferentism: trust that all religions are equally valid.
Individualism: belief that the individual's interests and rights are paramount.
Instrumentalism: doctrine that ideas are instruments of actions.
Intellectualism: belief that all knowledge is derived from reason.
Interactionism: belief that mind and body act on each other.
Introspectionism: doctrine that knowledge of mind must derive from introspection.
Intuitionism: belief that the perception of truth is by intuition.
Irreligionism: system of belief that is hostile to religions.
Kathenotheism: polytheism in which each god is considered single and supreme.
Kenotism: doctrine that Christ rid himself of divinity in becoming human.
Laicism: doctrine of opposition to clergy and priests.
Latitudinarianism: doctrine of broad liberality in religious beliefs and conduct.
Laxism: belief that an unlikely opinion may be safely followed.
Legalism: belief that salvation depends on strict adherence to the law.
Liberalism: doctrine of social change and tolerance.
Libertarianism: doctrine that personal liberty is the highest value.
Malism: the belief that the world is evil.
Materialism: belief that matter is the only extant substance.
Mechanism: belief that life is explainable by mechanical forces.
Meliorism: the belief the world tends to become better.
Mentalism: belief that the world can be explained as aspects of the mind.
Messianism: belief in just a single messiah or saviour.
Millenarianism: belief that an ideal society will be produced in the near future.
Modalism: belief in unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Monadism: theory that ultimate units of being exist.
Monergism: theory the Holy Spirit alone can act.
Monism: belief that all things are connected, which would be thrown into a single category.
Monophysitism: belief that Christ embodied divinity of God in a human form.
Monopsychism: belief that all individuals share a mingled eternal soul.
Monotheism: belief in one God.
Monotheletism: belief that Christ had one will.
Mortalism: belief that the soul is mortal and dies.
Mutualism: theory highlighting mutual dependence in society and the individual.
Nativism: belief in embedded inborn thoughts of the mind.
Naturalism: belief that the world can be explained in terms of natural force.
Necessarianism: belief that actions are determined by history; offshoot of fatalism.
Neonomianism: theory that gospel abrogates earlier memorable moral codes.
Neovitalism: theory that total material explanation is impossible.
Nihilism: shameless condemning of all reality; extreme scepticism.
Nominalism: doctrine contending that naming a thing effectively defines reality.
Nomism: belief that moral conduct consists of observance of law.
Noumenalism: belief in existence of noumena (objects, events known only to imagination, independent of senses).
Nullibilism: denial that the soul exists in space.
Numenism: belief in local gods, deities, or spirits.
Objectivism: doctrine that all reality is objective.
Omnism: belief in all religions.
Optimism: attitude of optimal confidence, affirming that we live in the best of all possible worlds.
Organicism: doctrine defining life or society as one giant organism.
Paedobaptism: doctrine of infant baptism.
Panaesthetism: theory that consciousness is generally inherent in matter.
Pancosmism: theory that the material universe is all that exists.
Panegoism: solipsism.
Panentheism: belief that the world is part of, but not all of, God's being.
Panpsychism: theory that all nature has a psychic side.
Pansexualism: theory that all thought, action is derived from sexual instinct.
Panspermatism: belief in origin of life from united extraterrestrial germs.
Pantheism: belief that the universe is God; belief in many gods.
Panzoism: belief in humans and animals sharing one common vital life energy.
Parallelism: belief that matter and mind do not interact but do relate.
Pejorism: downbeat dogma brimming with horrific doom and gloom.
Perfectibilism: doctrine that as humans we are able to attain infallible perfection.
Perfectionism: belief that moral perfection constitutes the highest value.
Personalism: doctrine of spiritual freedom of humans.
Pessimism: ideation deeming the whole universe essentially one hideous evil.
Phenomenalism: belief that phenomena are the only realities.
Physicalism: belief that all phenomena reduces to verifiable assertion.
Physitheism: doctrine relegating physical form and attributes to deities.
Pluralism: doctrine noting that reality consists of several kinds or entities.
Polytheism: belief in more than one God.
Positivism: ideology noting that which is not observable is not knowable.
Pragmatism: doctrine weighing the practical value of philosophy.
Predestinarianism: belief that whatever is to occur has already been foreordained.
Prescriptivism: belief that do-good moral edicts are merely orders with no basic truth value.
Primitivism: doctrine highlighting a simple natural life as the morally best condition.
Privatism: attitude of avoided involvement in outside interests.
Probabiliorism: belief that when in doubt one must choose the most likely answer (Would that be multiple choice or T/F?).
Probabilism: belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute.
Psilanthropism: denouncement of the divinity of Christ.
Psychism: belief in a universal soul.
Psychomorphism: doctrine imagining that inanimate objects (wood, fire, wind, diamond) have human mentality.
Psychopannychism: belief contending souls go to sleep from death to resurrection.
Psychotheism: doctrine that God is a spiritual entity.
Pyrrhonism: total or radical indignant skepticism.
Quietism: doctrine of enlightenment through mental tranquility; meditation.
Racism: belief that race is the main determinant of human capabilities.
Rationalism: belief that reason is the fundamental source of knowledge.
Realism: doctrine that objects of cognition are real.
Reductionism: belief that complex phenomena are reducible to simpler ones.
Regalism: doctrine of supremacy of a monarch in church affairs.
Representationalism: doctrine that ideas rather than external objects are basis of knowledge.
Republicanism: belief defining a republic as the best form of government.
Resistentialism: odd theory that inanimate objects display malice toward humans.
Romanticism: belief in documenting sentimental feeling in artistic expression.
Sacerdotalism: belief that priests are necessary mediators between God and mankind.
Sacramentarianism: belief that sacraments have unusual properties.
Scientism: belief that the methods of science are universal truths.
Self-determinism: doctrine that the deeds of a self are determined by itself.
Sensationalism: belief that ideas originate solely in sensation.
Siderism: belief that the stars influence human affairs.
Skepticism: doctrine noting that true knowledge is always uncertain.
Socialism: doctrine of centralized state control of wealth and property.
Solarism: excessive use of solar myth in explaining mythology.
Solifidianism: doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation.
Solipsism: theory that self-existence is the only identified certainty.
Somatism: doctrine defending materialism.
Spatialism: belief that matter has only spatial, temporal, causal properties.
Spiritualism: belief contending that nothing is real except the soul.
Stercoranism: belief noting that the consecrated Eucharist is digested and evacuated.
Stoicism: doctrine dedicated to indifference to pleasure or pain.
Subjectivism: doctrine contending that all knowledge is subjective.
Substantialism: belief that there is a real existence underlying phenomena.
Syndicalism: doctrine of direct worker control of capital.
Synergism: belief that human will and divine will cooperate in enlightenment.
Terminism: doctrine that there is a time limit for repentance.
Thanatism: belief that the soul dies with the body.
Theism: belief in the existence of God without revelation.
Theocentrism: belief that God is the central fact of existence.
Theopantism: belief that God is the only reality.
Theopsychism: belief that the soul is of a divine nature.
Thnetopsychism: belief the soul dies with the body, to be reborn on the day of judgement.
Titanism: spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions.
Tolerationism: doctrine of toleration of different religious beliefs.
Totemism: belief that a group has a special kinship which coincides with an object or animal.
Transcendentalism: theory that emphasizes that which transcends the senses.
Transmigrationism: belief that the soul continues on in other body at the time of death.
Trialism: doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit).
Tritheism: belief that the members of the Trinity are distinct gods.
Triumphalism: belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed.
Tuism: theory that individuals have a second or other self.
Tutiorism: doctrine that one benefits from taking the safer moral course.
Tychism: theory that accepts the role of pure chance, accident.
Ubiquitarianism: contention that Christ is everywhere.
Undulationism: theory of how light above consists of waves.
Universalism: belief in one universal salvation.
Utilitarianism: belief that action's utility determines good moral value.
Vitalism: doctrine that highlights a vital force behind life.
Voluntarism: belief that the will dominates the intellect.
Zoism: doctrine that life originates from a single unique vital principle.
Zoomorphism: concept of a god or man in animal form (shamanism, voodoo).
Zootheism: embodiment of divine godlike qualities within an animal.
Whew! It's all Twilight Zone (do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do,
do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do) gobbledegook to me!
[6,589 letters]
Nominated in April 2009.
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