Anagrammy Awards Results - November, 1999

26 votes this month in the Anagrammy Awards. Thanks for voting,

As usual some close contests and some clear winners. The new voting
system in the Special Category appears to have been well received.

OK, the envelope, please. And the winners are........

The General Category

With a relative small field of eight nominations, this was a fairly
close contest and the final result was a surprise to me. I actually
preferred Mey's anagram.

1st: Larry Brash with: 7 votes
Anagramming is a waste of fucking time. =
We are kings of magic mutatings. I'm a fan.

eq 2nd: David Bourke with: 5 votes
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. =
Crazed, I? Just old beefsteak!

eq 2nd: Mey Kraus with: 5 votes
Mental Disorder. =
Lose mind, retard?

The Entertainment Category

It is always great to see a new member win a category. David Bourke won
easily with this cracker.

1st: David Bourke with: 12 votes
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. =
Crap LP sung by the LSD-prone Beatles.

2nd: Don P Fortier with: 6 votes
Disneyland's Magic Kingdom. =
Mickey's singing, Donald mad.

3rd: Janet Muggeridge with: 5 votes
My Sony Playstation. =
Nasty noisy palm-toy.

The Topical Category

Daniel Etter has been enjoying some good form recently with 2 wins last
month and another this month. Tom had the early running but Dan
finished very strongly. His 4th Anagrammy.

1st: Daniel F Etter with: 10 votes
Alien Abductions. =
Tabloid nuisance.

Eq 2nd: Ernesto Guiraldes with: 5 votes
Anglican Bishops in the House of Lords. =
Abolish nostalgic union of shepherds!

Eq 2nd: Tom Myers wrote: 5 votes
Safer workplace. =
Fewer pals croak!

The Rude Category

Don Fortier's gem could have won the Spam and Long Category easily. It
was hilarious and a well-deserved winner.

1st: Don P. Fortier with: 13 votes
This is not spam. You are receiving this because you have sent me
information about your program or opportunity and I appreciate it.

2nd: Jon Gearhart with: 6 votes
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick [snipped]

3rd: Janet Muggeridge with: 3 votes
Intercourse, USA. =
I, a sore cunt user.

The Spam Category

This had three long contenders and it was a very close event with Don
maintaining his early lead. His 2nd Anagrammy for the month and his 6th

1st: Don P Fortier wrote: 7 votes
Starting your own business!!!
Get Paid For Every Email
Message You Receive!
Ê a.. Earn CASH for every email you receive!
Ê b.. Stop searching... Get email about your interests!
Ê c.. FREE membership... Start earning money right now, today!
Ê d.. Fun and Easy
Accrue more of this useless shit!
You get spam in your e-mail forever!
Ê a.. We get paid for your names, see?
Ê You never eye a cent!
Ê b.. Program may set your browser to
Ê shitty site in Albania!
Ê c.. Never get ANYTHING free!
Ê d.. Deceiving and Embarrassing !

2nd: Mey Kraus with: 6 votes
Under Bill S.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress this
letter [snipped]

3rd: Jon Gearhart with: 5 votes
Everyone likes making easy money.

The Long Category

Who say anagrammer can't take it? This winner suggests that we can
laugh at ourselves. Richard Grantham's first Anagrammy.

1st: Richard Grantham with: 8 votes
How many alt.anagrams subscribers does it take to change a light bulb? =
Thirty: one swami can tame such a task as others, babbling, do

2nd: Don P. Fortier with: 6 votes
"Ask not what your country can do for you...
ask what you can do for your country."

3rd: Mike Keith with: 5 votes
[Fiona Apple's new album title]
When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King

The Name Category

He can do short anagrams! Mike is best known for his lenghty brilliant
anagrammed poems which win the Special Category regularly. His eighth

1st: Mike Keith with: 10 votes
Madeleine Albright. =
Her label: "mediating"

2nd: Wayne Baisley with: 5 votes
Walter Payton. =
Now-late party.

3rd: Jon Gearhart with: 3 votes
Jim Kalun. =

The Place Names Category

This was a close race with Janet and I vying for the lead. I picked up
the last 3 votes to jump ahead.

1st: Larry Brash with: 11 votes
The London Planetarium. =
Earthmen, I land on Pluto.

2nd: Janet Muggeridge with: 8 votes
The biggest shopping mall in Western Europe. =
Bluewater: I shop then limp. Nest-egg's gone. R.I.P.

3rd: Mick Tully with: 4 votes
Langan's Brasserie. =
Bran; snails; grease.

The Anagram Set Category

This is Mick Tully's favourite category. His 4th win in this Category and his 8th overall.

1st: Mick Tully with: 13 votes
Dolly Parton's greatest hits. =
Gross tits? Pan that yodeller!
Lads to hail pretty songster.
Oh-so-pretty art tingles lads.
Pretty girl's tone 'as lads hot!
So, hot star dangles prettily...

2nd: Tom Myers with: 6 votes
All I want for Christmas. =
Own this small aircraft.
Limit's half-a-crown? Rats!
Carnal filth, it's so warm.

3rd: Janet Muggeridge with: 5 votes
birth control methods. =
Mr, control the bod's hit!
condom let births thro'.
months' retch 'til brood.
lots born, ditch mother.
motto: child 'n' brother.

The Special Category

It has certainly been Don Fortier's month with 2 winners here in this
category, 4 for the month and 8 altogether. Did everyone find the new
points system useful and easy to use?

Don P Fortier with: 41 points
Piano Man - by Billy Joel

Don P Fortier with: 35 points
Four score and seven years ago,

Graham Perkins with: 24 points

The Awardsmaster's Choice Award for a non-winning anagram.

Jan was well-placed in several categories but missed a first place.
This one would have been a strong contender in most months.

Janet Muggeridge with:
My Sony Playstation. =
Nasty noisy palm-toy.

Updated: May 10, 2016


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