Three authors' versions of the same poem.

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These are all simultaneous anagrams and approximate translations of Vocalisations by George Perec, a lipogrammatic rendering of Rimbaud's poem Voyelles omitting the letter E. Note that this constraint is present at two levels: the poem elides the parts of Rimbaud's original that talk about E, as well as avoiding the letter itself.

Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

The original text:

A noir, (Un blanc), I roux, U safran, O azur:
Nous saurons au jour dit ta vocalisation:
A, noir carcan poilu d'un scintillant morpion
Qui bombinait autour d'un nidoral impur,

Caps obscurs; qui, cristal du brouillard ou du Khan,
Harpons du fjord hautain, Rois Blancs, frissons d'anis?
I, carmins, sang vomi, riant ainsi qu'un lis
Dans un courroux ou dans un alcool mortifiant;

U, scintillations, rond divins du flot marin,
Paix du pâtis tissu d'animaux, paix du fin
Sillon qu'un fol savoir aux grands fronts imprima;

O, finitif clairon aux accords d'aiguisoir,
Soupirs ahurissant Nadir ou Nirvâna:
O l'omicron, rayon violin dans son Voir!

I: by Mike Keith, anagrammed as a single block.

A void, (missing vocalic), I pain-color, U rococo, O plaid:
All adjoin in a rich Latin unit, a curious mix of sound:
"A": a noxious squid, that squirms in sun on toxic ground,
Scurrilous and full of animal vapors bad,

In ruin hid. Did Attila's raucous invasions
Ruin a sumptuous land for us, O Russian cur?
"I": in crimson blood, spit on fox's fur,
In anxious fits of liquor-drunk libation;

"U": auras, vibrations, in murmurs of an Asian rain,
Unicorns and carnival animals born on a Druid plain,
To rush in unison around Uranus;

"O": broad as God's Last Trump. Mind sprain,
Quiz, paradox's crux (incur Joy or Pain?),
Rotund Initial, Last Avatar, Final Curtain.

II: by Richard Brodie, anagrammed verse by verse.

A coal, (albino), I blood, U fruit pulp, O rain vapor:
In an anxious, murmurous conjunction:
"A", quaint rancid ruinous irritation,
A monstrous, unusual bat-lizard draconian,

Ruin is afar, fools! Squadrons run, injuring Huns asthmatic;
Arran sons sound dolorous trolls in Rubicon bivouacs.
"I": chuck sputum on an African addax,
An insalubrious sordid liquid plasmatic;

"U": quixotic mind-visit of a non-spiritual Frisian,
Fox, gnus, maladroit ox, marsupials, simians,
Influx trods up and up, and land turns livid;

"O": intoxication of a savior's original sounds,
Lo, airs rich in a vivid dulciana!
Incur sin, or ruin; or rosy panoramas found.

III: by Richard Grantham, anagrammed line by line.

A flax, (an aura), I burn, U zircon, or O sun:
O, I act out various unsaid natal sojourns:
A, minor pallid scorpion in a nocturnal tunic
Murmur about, bound to air in liquid pain,

Toadish quicksand; clouds' usual rubric or burlap,
Proud fronds in Nordic ash, albino rajahs, satin's fuss?
An I, a crimson squirt, us smiling in vain - a
Torn, not unusual mix of dolour, sin and curaçao;

U rolls on 'midst inconstant viridian fluid -
Pupa, six Indian addax - I, Faustus, mix it up
In matrix of squid's ova; furls run along Roman lips;

O is a final caustic air, crux of id or indigo,
Arid spans in air haunt Sun or Saviour:
O rolls, vivid maroon canyons in Orion!

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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