Tony Crafter

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Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

A haiku about one season anagrammed into a haiku about another.

First morning of Spring
Wildflowers speckle the meadow
Nature's confetti.

First Winter morning
Swirling flakes, cold feet, no dew,
Ma's hot soup. Perfect!

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Old Friends by Simon and Garfunkel

Old Friends, sat on their park bench like bookends;
A newspaper blown through the grass,
Falls on the high toes of the round shoes of the Old Friends.
Old Friends, Winter companions the old men,
Lost in their overcoats waiting for the sunset.
The sounds of the city sifting through trees,
Settle like dust on the shoulders of the Old Friends.
Can you imagine us years from today,
Sharing a park bench quietly?
How terribly strange to be seventy.
Old Friends,memory brushes the same years,
Silently sharing the same fears.
Old Friends.

(Simon and Garfunkle)

Young Kids, sat watching banned Eminem vids,
A soda-pop left on the floor,
Spills on the brown soles of the Nikes on the Young Kids.
Young Kids, their life scanned through half-open eyelids,
Lost in that near-truth world of a chosen cartoon;
The sound of their cd's blasting smash hits,
Shatters the quiet in the households and the gardens.
Can you imagine them years from today?
Hellraisers, riff-raff, felons, fiends;
How terrible, washed-up at seventeen...
Young Kids, selflessness yet to be formed there,
Memories still to be born there.
Young Kids.


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If I Only Had A Brain (Wizard of Oz)


I could wile away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.

I'd unravel ev'ry riddle
For any individ'le
In trouble or in pain.
With the thoughts you'd be thinkin'
You could be another Lincoln,
If you only had a brain.

Oh I could tell you why
The ocean's near the shore,
I could think of things I never thunk before
And then I'd sit and think some more.

I would not be just a nuffin'
My head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry
Life would be ding-a-derry
If I only had a brain.


When a man's an empty kettle
He should be on his mettle
And yet I'm torn apart,
Just because I'm presumin'
That I could be kind of human
If I only had a heart.

I'd be tender, I'd be gentle
And awful sentimental
Regarding love and art,
I'd be friends with the sparrows
And the boy that shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart.

Picture me, a balcony
Above a voice sings low,
"Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
I hear a beat how sweet!

Just to register emotion, jealousy, devotion
And really feel the part,
I could stay young and chipper
And I'd lock it with a zipper
If I only had a heart.


I could be another Lincoln
Or wily Willy Clinton
For ninety years I'd reign,
I would be a fine orator
And a smoother operator
If I only had a brain.

I would dance like Fred Astaire
Tell lies like Tony Blair
And act like Michael Caine.
I'd fulfill my folks' ambition,
Hunt for higher intuition
If I only had a brain.

Hah! I can't tell you why
I'm short of thought 'n' that's the truth
It could've been an injury I had in youth,
Confused? Why buddy, so am I - huh?

I would henceforth be unfuddled
Be fluent and unmuddled
Thorn-sharp 'n' not inane,
I'd be wary and defensive
Never churlish or offensive
If I only had a brain.


When a man's an empty vessel
His conscience he can't wrestle
That's why I act the part,
But though I'm a liar
I could offer you desire
If I only had a heart.

I would smile and really mean it
I've a soul (I've just not seen it),
Be popular 'n' smart,
Write a lover's diction-ary
Get the hots for flirty Cherie
If I only had a heart.

I'd be grand, guitar in hand
Or maybe a hot banjo
Do a song played rather low
I get off then, to No.Ten

I'm as wooden as a puppet, look just like a muppet,
I'm deader than Mozart,
But I'd be an honest daddy
And not be the token baddie
If I only had a heart.

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And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon EnglandŐs mountains green?
And was the holy lamb of God
On EnglandŐs pleasant pastures seen?

And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In EnglandŐs green and pleasant land.


And did roast beef in olden time
Fill gentle England's inner need?
And was McDonalds just a name
Synonymous with US greed?

And how did burger and French fries
Cause fish ÔnŐ chips to lose appeal?
And what unusual bugs nestle in
Among those dark Satanic meals?

Bring me my honest Yorkshire pud,
Bring me my meat and my two veg,
Bring carrot, turnip, fill me up;
Bring tons of home-made jam on bread.

I will not cease the endless fight,
No, nor will Hell flame-grill my plan,
Till wholesome fare is once again
Devoured in our ennobled land!

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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