Anagrammy Awards > Literary Archives > Richard Grantham
Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.
A simultaneous
anagram and approximate translation of a poem by Guillaume Apollinaire |
Montparnasse Ô porte de l'hôtel avec deux plantes vertes Il fait un peu lourd et vos cheveux sont longs |
Montparnasse Hotel door, amidst verdure It turns excessively humid, long-locked |
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The Witch's Prayer, a Latin word-unit palindrome which Dmitri Borgmann claimed to have discovered in the 14th century tome The Complete Manual of Witchcraft, published in Belfast, Ireland. Read forward (top left), it offers encouraging religious advice, but when read in reverse (top right), it endorses sin. The first anagram is an approximate translation of the original prayer; the second anagram translates the prayer in reverse, and is also a word-unit anagram of the first. |
Delicias fuge ne frangaris crimine, verum |
Concupito mala, tu nequaquam dilige Christum; |
Never acquiesce to salacious copulation, as crime ensues; pursue God, so as to die in ideal peace; practise quiet circumspection; never disparage, tease, quarrel, accuse people, or parade unjust criticism; never forget meet judgment is imminent; acclaim the Crucified; desist from pursuing a daemon; never acquiesce to amoral mischief. |
Acquiesce to amoral mischief; never desist from pursuing a daemon; forget to acclaim the Crucified, as meet judgment is never imminent; parade unjust criticism, disparage, tease, accuse people; never acquiesce to peace or circumspection so quiet; die in quarrel; never pursue God; practise ideal crime, as salacious copulation ensues. |
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Updated: May 10, 2016
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