All letters with descenders (and none with ascenders) are used in Ariel's speech about descending off the ship into the water.
All letters with ascenders (and none with descenders) are used in the speech by Duke Francis about ascending out of the water onto the island.
Separating these two sections is a single line about Ferdinand swimming, consisting only of letters with neither descenders nor ascenders. This line contains at least one of every such letter in the original.

o swimming prince, ye cry:
gee, angry imps arrive, grim, as i spy
groups pass in wings, in arms.

some ocean waves arise; unsure i swim.

the bad tide eased, the hard earth i behold.
the shore outstretched before me! heav'n i'd thank
for health, the sun, the seed, the buds that bloom,
the milk i drink, the water smooth, serene;
and in the shade, i looked at it: the sand,
the blue vault too, above this island firm;
the winds that blow, the doves, the whole wide world,
the land, and this salvation most of all.

All letters with ascenders ( b d f h k l t ) are represented.
Of the letters with descenders ( g j p q y ) j and q are missing.
Of the remainder ( a c e i m n o r s u v w x z ) x and z are missing.


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Updated: May 10, 2016\r


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