Paul Pan

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Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Epicede to pall Indigence

I salute the fair Dollar, of the free capitalist economy, and the biotic need, which it funds, a big gold ingot, glittering, with a job, fuel, assets, land and revenue for all.

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Bob Marley

Until the philosophy which holds one race
Superior and another inferior
Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned
Everywhere is war, me say war

That until there is no longer first class
And second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes
Me say war

That until the basic human rights are equally
Guaranteed to all, without regard to race
Dis a war

That until that day
The dream of lasting peace, world citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion
To be pursued, but never attained
Now everywhere is war, war

And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes
That hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique,
South Africa sub-human bondage
Have been toppled, utterly destroyed
Well, everywhere is war, me say war

War in the east, war in the west
War up north, war down south
War, war, rumours of war

And until that day, the African continent
Will not know peace, we Africans will fight
We find it necessary and we know we shall win
As we are confident in the victory

Of good over evil, good over evil, good over evil
Good over evil, good over evil, good over evil

The Rastafarianism movement originated in Kingston and won crowds of followers worldwide. It worships overthrown Ethiopian ruler, Haile Selassie I, as an utter living God.
When a delegation of elated Rastas wandered up to Ethiopia to honour Haile -- who was a Christian, and no saint! -- an uncivil ninny official sent them away. Wow, what uncanny irony! However, this made their reverence stronger. Besides, God is not supposed to know he is God. Haile is remembered for land reform , the worthy emancipation of slaves, and for universal suffrage.

Rasta culture is revolutionary, witty, colorful. They proudly wear waving, uncut, wiry-woven wool "natty dreadlocks", idolize Zion, downthrow the evil wrathful vain white cutthroat whore of Babylon, inhale on a certain illicit herb (" eat every herb of the land" [Genesis]), shun alcohol and only eat natural "vital I-Tal" lunch.
Marley popularized Reggae culture everywhere. He drew from Rastafarian ritual drumming, chanting, and dance beat.
In his renowned opus titled *War*, Bob Marley delicately binds a dynamic speech written by Selassie with a buoyant reggae tune: A noble quest for world peace and equal rights, more vital now than ever.

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A simultaneous anagram and approximate translation of one of Jean de LaFontaine's fables (based on Aesop).

La Cigale et la Fourmi

La cigale, ayant chanté
Tout l'été,
Se trouva fort dépourvue
Quand la bise fut venue.
Pas un seul petit morceau
De mouche ou de vermisseau
Elle alla crier famine
Chez la fourmi sa voisine,
La priant de lui prêter
Quelque grain pour subsister
Jusqu'à la saison nouvelle.
"Je vous paierai, lui dit-elle,
Avant l'oût, foi d'animal,
Intérêt et principal."
La fourmi n'est pas prêteuse;
C'est là son moindre défaut.
"Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud?
Dit-elle à cette emprunteuse.
- Nuit et jour à tout venant
Je chantais, ne vous déplaise.
- Vous chantiez? j'en suis fort aise.
Eh bien: dansez maintenant."

A Cicada partied on,
Sumptuous luau summer-long
As the frost and chill ensue
Breezes faze, tea abates too
Not a plate of pest cutlet
In his jejune cave dinette.

"I salute Ant, li'l saviour
Ululant, I supplicate a favour:
Pleadin' a eupeptic meal
I asseverate: reveal veal!
Give rescue 'till June
Hand us asset, slue-in fortune
IOU, esteemed animal
I quote interest and principal!"

"'Fore I finance supper
Revenue I queue from vest
Equivoque, I do inquest:
Toiled thou not in Summer?"

"I'm a ballad-jazz muse, hear dear?
Voicin' ethereal audio toccatas."

"Untuneful ululatin' my arse -
Start valsing, O rueful peon, as I jeer!"

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Eclipse (Roger Waters)

All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel.

All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save.

All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy,
beg, borrow or steal.

All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say.

All that you eat
And everyone you meet
All that you slight
And everyone you fight.

All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
and everything under the sun is in tune
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

All that you munch
All that you bite
All that you devour
All you swill.

All that you gnaw
All that you ingest
All you digest
All you dine.

All that you treat
All that you feed
All that lot you mouth
Chew, masticate or eat.

All you engorge
All you absorb
All that you receive
All you tooth.

All that you drool
And everyone you fete
All the rum that you drink
And every tonne you ate

All that is fat
All that's a feast
All that's to sip
And everything under the skin is obese,
Muscle's totally eclipsed by the grease.

"A heavy tush, doll? There is no easy route to lose fat, sorry."

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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