James H. Young

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Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

Two redivider poems.


I'm proper, lying into daytime lessons.
Omega, the Rings, or Alpha's essential ways.
God, owning rays of the Sun,
Consciously ingratiated.

Ranks awful land in,
Toxic ate Diseased.
One, of fires;
Two, each in God

Do, dormant, or nap artfully,
Awaken one soul.
Certain tedious task.
Ins or every Out. Done.


Improperly in Gin;
Today, timeless, on some gatherings.
Oral phases sent, I always go down in gray... soft.
"He's unconscious, lying rat."

I ate, drank, saw, full and intoxicated.
Is ease done off?
I rest, woe - aching.
Odd odor!

Man torn apart, fully awake.
None so ulcer-tainted.
I oust a skin sore,
Very outdone.

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A Plain and Easy Introduction to Practical Music (1597)

The Madrigal.
"As for the music it is, next unto the Motet, the most artificial and, to men of understanding, most delightful. If therefore you will compose in this kind you must possess yourself with an amorous humour (for in no composition shall you prove admirable except you put on and possess yourself wholly with that vein wherein you compose), so that you must in your music be wavering like the wind, sometime wanton, sometime drooping, sometime grave and staid, otherwhile effeminate; you may maintain points and revert them, use Triplas, and show the very uttermost of your variety, and the more variety you show the better shall you please."

Thomas Morley, Gentleman of the Chapel Royal

A Plain and Easy Introduction to Commercial Music

The Pop Tune
"Hi. Our modern music is well delivered when the artist has a moody, appealing look. That should mean mondo tits, sumptuous ass, two hot sexy lips, a vapid toothy facial expression. You should use silicone to achieve the most yummy or effective tits. The same for the lips and the bum. Do not worry, the face will survive on its own merit. You must not emerge in public with fewer than nine private guards. You must get in the news with any foolish rumor that may surround you. If there are not any, someone may start one for you. It will likely improve your image- the most important of things in life. Also the money, the men, fame, and shoes too."

For tour dates, do call my manager at 1-555-7062

Britney Spears (1981- )

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Two redivider poems.

Top opera

...plays on. Great!
(Tested if you rant "He may out: hear, sing". )
Ropes, even prop. Errand ominous to rig. Nite, now I see Verdi event;
You ran German stages of terror, Wagner!
Vest opposes hat, especially recently.
In gold's pen deride,
Chorus ticking.

To Pop era:

Play song, re-attest, edify.
Our anthem: a youth ear.
Sin (grope) Seven-proper, random.
In, oust, or ignite.
No wise ever die.
Vent your anger, man!
Stage soft, error, wag nerve, stop poses; Hate special Lyre.
Cent lying, old spender.
I'd echo rustic "King".

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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