Mike Torr

Anagrammy Awards > Literary Archives > Authors with two anagrams

Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry;
When the boys came out to play,
Georgie Porgie ran away.

Huge, improper pie-boy engages chic maidens, weak manhood engorged.
His weedy troupe go playing giddily... start a retreat!

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A Song Of The Weather

January brings the snow;
Makes your feet and fingers glow.

February's ice and sleet,
Freeze the toes right off your feet.

Welcome, March, with wint'ry wind:
Would thou wert not so unkind.

April brings the sweet spring showers;
On and on for hours and hours.

Farmers fear unkindly May;
Frost by night and hail by day.

June just rains and never stops;
Thirty days and spoils the crops.

In July the sun is hot:
Is it shining? No, it's not!

August, cold and dank and wet,
Brings more rain than any yet.

Bleak September's mist and mud,
Is enough to chill the blood.

Then October adds a gale,
Wind and slush and rain and hail.

Dark November brings the fog;
Should not do it to a dog.

Freezing wet December, then...
Bloody January again!

(January brings the snow;
Makes your feet and fingers glow).

-- Michael Flanders and Donald Swann

An Unfunny Drudgery Song

Monday shocking, doing 'scrub'
Distant memories of the pub,
As those aching heads we rub.

Tuesday, it seems we are winning;
"Workload's showing signs of thinning!"
Frenziedly we jabber, grinning.

Wednesday strong 'n' stern doth grunt,
A very rainy day (warm front);
Jon makes jokes, to bear the brunt.

Thursday: try to hit rewind;
Forward blindfold (sinful bind!);
Fun, forbidden friends to find.

Friday: see us all released!
Thank god the streets are well-policed!
Let's sally forth to get well piste!

Saturday, a respite small:
Men can snooze (or paint a hall)
But in the night go out and brawl.

Sunday's such a so-and-so:
The holy and the errant know,
That Monday looms to augur woe...

Monday shocking, doing 'scrub'
Distant memories of the pub,
As those aching heads we rub.

-- Hannah Jenny Jar Jar II, hewn of heaven.

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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