Matjaz Pihler

Anagrammy Awards > Literary Archives > Authors with one anagram

Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.

Words by F.R.David.

Words don't come easy to me,
How can I find a way
to make you see I love you
words don't come easy

Words don't come easy to me
This is the only way
for me to say I love you
words don't come easy

Well... I'm just a music man
Melody's so far my best friend
But my words are coming out wrong
And I... I reveal my heart to you and
hope that you believe it's true cause...

Words don't come easy to me,
How can I find a way
to make you see I love you
words don't come easy

This is just a simple song
that I've made for you on my own
There's no hidden meaning you know
When I... when I say I love you... honey
Please believe I really do cause...

Words don't come easy to me,
How can I find a way
to make you see I love you
words don't come easy

It isn't easy... words don't come easy

Words don't come easy to me,
How can I find a way
to make you see I love you
words don't come easy

Words don't come easy to me
This is the only way
for me to say I love you
words don't come easy

'Grams don't come easy to me,
I try now and fail a lot
to make a funny plot
but they don't come easy.

'Grams don't come easy to me
this is the only way
to make you smile and say
this one's on our team...

Well I'm just a normal man,
work and bills so far my best friend,
yet my grams are stupid and weird
and I... I work so hard for you and
wish my dreams of love come true cause...

Words, I don't find easy, you see,
my do I wish a cool way,
to cast many wee's away,
wow! one was too easy...

This is just a comic try
that I've worked on wearily, my, my,
there's no money in it you see,
when I... when I meet reality and
wish that you would see it too...

They... don't come easy my way;
do you defy, do you vow?
How do you do your deed,
elusive voodoo?

"It is so easy, 'grams do not tease me!"

Cool, so you concede, dude?
Do you deceive or view?
Voices come down, we see,
ouch, Doe, love's a fence!

Once, no, won't be so easy to see,
soon may I overcome,
with poesy on my mind,
now love comes so easy...

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Updated: May 10, 2016


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