Anagrammy Awards > Literary Archives > Authors with one anagram
Original text in yellow, anagram in pink.
An anagram using Richard Grantham's modified Christmas carol text. |
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, When cattle start lowing, that baby awakes, Come near, my Lord Jesus; I beg thee to stay |
LINUS: Charlie Brown, I know what Christmas really means. Cue lights, please? Herders watched fields and flock. An angel came; the Lord's glory shone about them; they were very afraid. The angel said to them, "Believe, ye! Joy to you, and joy to all alive! News: born today in David's city: a just Saviour, Jesus the Lord. See then a barn, these linens and the babe." Many of the heavenly host praised the Lord with His angel, and said, "Glory to the Lord, with good in the world to men." (Luke Two) That's what Christmas really means, Charlie Brown. |
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Updated: May 10, 2016
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