Anagrammy Awards > Nomination Archives > 1998


eq.1st - Richard Brodie with:
Jehovah's Witnesses =
The Jewish Son saves.

eq.1st - Ernesto Guiraldes with:
Sinners under fierce wrath of God Almighty =
Ernesto Guiraldes offending... which martyr?

eq.1st - Meyran Kraus with:
Beauty and the Beast =
Be nauseated by that.

Doug Ackerman with:
This statement is false =
I'm tasteless, that's fine.

Doug Ackerman with:
I won't ask you to anagram my full name - it's just hopeless. =
Unwholesome anagram molestations. Flaky? Just pity us!

Doug Ackerman with:
Did somebody say McDonald's? =
Nobody miss deadly Macs? Odd!

Larry Brash with:
Dianetics/scientology =
Nice? It's scant ideology.

Larry Brash with:
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt =
Sullen Hitler declared war, belted nuns, caused deaths. Bull?

Larry Brash with:
The Dead Sea Scrolls =
Lads searched. Stole?

Richard Brodie with:
The Mormons =
Them morons.

Richard Brodie with:
Roman Catholics =
Christ, a cool man.

Richard Brodie with:
The agnostic's dilemma =
God 'n' atheists claim me.

Richard Brodie with:
Nothing stirs up more mud than a groundless rumor =
Minister's long sermon drag on. Humour? Drat! Shut up!

Ernesto Guiraldes with:
Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music =
Julie's a nun... choruses... weddin' motif.

Earle Jones with:
The Dead Sea Scrolls =
Toddler chases seal.

Jeff Simpson with:
Pre-menstrual tension =
Results in temper anon.

Mick Tully with:
Archaeoastronomy =
A star romance? Yo-ho!

Mick Tully with:
Pre-menstrual tension =
Tear-prone! Insults men!

Mick Tully with:
Pre-menstrual tension =
Men or internal upsets.


1st - Larry Brash with:
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum =
A virgo intacta and a mum? Presume a lie!

2nd - Steve Krakowski with: [A palindrome]
Go! Desire vagina! Man I gave! Rise dog! =
O sad aide. "Give me ginseng or Viagra."

3rd - Larry Brash with:
Viagra - impotency drug =
God! Pure vagina city, Mr!!

Larry Brash with:
Viagra - impotency drug =
Cot may upgrade virgin.

Larry Brash with:
Viagra - impotency drug =
Parading my cute vigor.


1st - Ernesto Guiraldes with:
Acne, Dandruff, Acne Rosacea, Psoriasis, Seborrhea, Eczema, Dry Skin or Dry Hair =
Paranoia/Schizoid Disorders, Amenorrhea, Canker Sufferers, Decay, Any Crabs.


1st - Larry Brash with:
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Is a befitting quote from one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies. But why won't Hamlet's inspiring motto toss our stubborn hero's tortuous battle for life, on one hand, and death, on another?

eq.2nd - Wayne Baisley with:
And as it was in the beginning
So shall it be in the end
That bullshit is bullshit,
It just goes by different names
Antidisestablishmentarianists head off into the sunset,
snubbing willingly, just behind the eight ball set.

eq.2nd - Richard Brodie with:
And as it was in the beginning
So shall it be in the end
That bullshit is bullshit,
It just goes by different names
Bugles! Fanfare! Hidden talent's bid bags length nomination.
This is insistent beauty, this... this bullshit jewel!

Richard Peers with:
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
Dearest chum of Roman ruler in tirade: "Come on, I repay most your enemy stabs in scorn!"

David James Polewka with:
Why should the U.S. remain a world leader in the science of high-energy physics? =
Write an essay, Enrico, while clueless Freddy Yuchi gets Dom Perignon! Ahhhhh!


eq.1st - Larry Brash with:
Diana, The Princess of Wales =
Elton's idea is crap. He fawns.

eq.1st - Mick Tully with:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland =
HRH to Blair: Entertaining, drinking under a daft dome, Tone?

eq.3rd - Larry Brash with:
Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services =
No crashes and not equaled. Airliner never errs. Try it!

eq.3rd - Mick Tully with:
Virgin Atlantic =
Via 'n "intact" girl.

Larry Brash with:
Diana, The Princess of Wales =
No speechless waif. Radiant!

Larry Brash with:
Diana, The Princess of Wales =
Wine, ale, passion. Deft crash.

Larry Brash with:
Diana, The Princess of Wales =
News fiends: "A car hits a pole."

Ernesto Guiraldes with:
Stephanie Dorcas =
Ernesto paid cash.

Ernesto Guiraldes with:
Gina Lollobrigida =
A big original doll.

Ric Hotchkiss with:
Patricia DelMar =
Radical primate.

Earle Jones with:
Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus =
A borderline ex-drunken fat asshole pus lake.

Earle Jones with:
Francis Scott Key =
Sanctify rockets.

Mick Tully with:
Diana, Princess of Wales =
Fancies wine? Slaps road.

Mick Tully with:
Diana, Princess of Wales =
On ales? Sad. Wife in scrap.

Mick Tully with:
McDonald's Restaurants =
Start nude scams, Ronald.

The Anagrammy Awards